Shenzhen Dapeng holds investment promotion for Taiwan Precision Biotechnology Company
Release time:2023-08-22Viewsiews:101次

Nandu News Reporter Chen Xinghua Correspondent Wang Di Lien In order to stimulate the vitality of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and private economy, on August 17, the 2023 Dapeng New Area "Assistance for Enterprises" and "I Enterprise Shenzhen Policy" promotion conference and "Industrial Upstairs" investment promotion conference were held on the banks of Jinsha Bay. The theme of the conference is "Benefiting Enterprises to Help Colorful Dapeng", promoting key projects in Dapeng New Area, promoting municipal policies for benefiting enterprises and talent in Dapeng New Area, conducting centralized project signing, and awarding licenses to investment partners in Dapeng New Area.

Awarding and signing contracts, adding new achievements to investment attraction

In May of this year, Dapeng New Area formulated policies related to rewards for recommending individuals (institutions) for investment projects, and carried out the selection of the first batch of investment partners in the new area. The first batch of investment partners attracted more than 50 well-known institutions and enterprises from all over the country, including Shenzhen Ocean University (preparatory), Institute of Agricultural Genomics of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Shenzhen Special Zone Construction Industry Space Development Co., Ltd. At the meeting, Dapeng New Area awarded the first batch of 30 investment partners to Dapeng New Area. In the future, 30 representatives of "investment partners" will assume the roles of investment advisors and partners in Dapeng New Area, bridging the gap for investment attraction in the new area and attracting more industrial and technological innovation talent projects to settle in the new area.

In recent years, Dapeng New Area has actively cultivated strategic emerging industries such as biopharmaceuticals, big health, new energy, and oceans. It has introduced a number of large projects and projects with high technological level, good quality and efficiency, and strong driving effects. At the same time, it has accelerated the promotion of "industrial upgrading" projects, providing space for industrial landing. The conference held a centralized signing ceremony for the "Industrial Upstairs" and key projects. The Science and Technology Innovation and Economic Service Bureau of Dapeng New Area signed cooperation agreements with 12 enterprises, including Shenzhen Yize Industrial Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Zeyi Cell Therapy Group Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Jingfeng Crystal Technology Co., Ltd., Taiwan Precision Biotechnology International Co., Ltd., Fujian Zixin Biological Potato Industry Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Youbeite Technology Co., Ltd.

The first phase of Shenzhen Ocean University project will be completed and put into use in 2026

The ocean is the most distinctive feature and advantage of Dapeng. The Shenzhen Ocean University, located in the Baguang area, is of great significance in gathering global high-end marine talents and technological resources, striving to build a first-class marine technology research and development platform, and accelerating the construction of a globally attractive, competitive, and influential marine center city in Shenzhen. It will also add momentum to the construction of a world-class coastal ecological tourism resort and a concentrated carrier area for global marine center cities in Dapeng New Area. At the meeting, Lin Jian, academician of the European Academy of Sciences, chair professor of the Department of Marine Science and Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology, and person in charge of the construction of Shenzhen Ocean University, gave a detailed introduction to the progress of the construction of Shenzhen Ocean University. The current construction project of Shenzhen Ocean University (Phase I) has officially started, with a planned scale of 8000 students. It is expected that the Phase I project will be fully completed and put into use by 2026.

Dapeng's first "Industrial Upstairs" project will introduce enterprises in fields such as life sciences

Industrial space is an important guarantee for the development of enterprises. Therefore, Dapeng New Area is accelerating the implementation of a batch of high-quality industrial space projects called "Industrial Upstairs". As the first construction party of the "Industrial Upstairs" project in Dapeng New Area, Zhang Haipeng, the person in charge of Dapeng New Area Industrial Space Development Company of the Special Zone Construction Engineering Group, introduced the design highlights and industrial positioning of the project on site. It is reported that the Baguang area where the project is located is one of the key areas for the development of the "20+8" industrial cluster in Dapeng New Area. It has been included in the top 20 advanced manufacturing parks in Shenzhen. After the project is completed, it will focus on introducing high-quality enterprises in the fields of life science, life health, and other fields. After preliminary investment reserves, the space requirement area of the signed project for this investment conference has exceeded the project building area.

Technology talents can apply for a maximum of 1.8 million yuan! Heavily launched talent policy

In recent years, Dapeng New Area has focused on high-quality development, implemented more active, open, and effective talent policies, and established a policy system of "1 (planning outline)+1 (several measures)+N (implementation details)". It has extensively carried out talent policy propaganda and implemented talent benefits. On site, Liao Zhenghua, Executive Deputy Director of the Personnel Bureau of Dapeng New Area, gave a detailed interpretation of the talent policies introduced by the new area, sorted out the talent policy systems of Shenzhen and the new area, and explained in detail the talent policies applicable to enterprises in the new area from three dimensions: talent subsidies, employee entrepreneurship, and talent services.

Among them, in terms of talent subsidies, key industry talents can apply for a maximum of 500000 yuan, technology talents can apply for a maximum of 1.8 million yuan, and outstanding young talents from enterprises can apply for subsidies such as 30000 yuan; In terms of entrepreneurship, targeted support subsidies for enterprise innovation and platform carriers will be introduced, introducing the "one-stop" service rent-free incubation space of the New Area Talent Enterprise Service Center; In terms of talent services, we provide talent cards covering 12 services for high-level talents, implement "come and match" talent housing, provide 3-month rent-free transitional housing for new graduates, and create an education highland in eastern Shenzhen to provide high-quality educational resources for talents.

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