Precision Biotechnology International Co., Ltd. was invited to participate in the "Shenzhen Dapeng New Area Global Investment Conference"
Release time:2023-11-16Viewsiews:90次
On November 15th, the 2023 Shenzhen Dapeng New Area Global Investment Conference was successfully held at the Jinshawan Marriott Hotel. Precision Biotechnology International Co., Ltd., as a key high-quality project in Dapeng New Area, was invited to participate in the conference and signed a contract on-site.


At this conference, 34 projects were signed on-site, involving a total investment of over 30 billion yuan. Among them, 16 projects were signed for cultural, tourism, commercial, and marine industries, 11 projects were signed for the cell and gene, food and health industries, and 7 projects were signed for the new (clean) energy and intelligent manufacturing industries.


Since the beginning of this year, Dapeng New Area has carried out investment promotion work with unprecedented efforts. As of now, a total of 110 registered enterprises in the fields of biology, ocean, food, new energy, and advanced manufacturing have been introduced in the entire region. It is expected that after all of them are put into operation, the annual output value (revenue) will exceed 3.5 billion yuan and the annual tax payment will exceed 400 million yuan.


Mr. Su Zelong, Executive Director of Precision Biotechnology International Co., Ltd., attended the meeting

Dapeng New Area insists on placing industrial development in a more prominent position, focusing on the "4+3+N" industrial cluster ("4" is the four strategic emerging industrial clusters of biopharmaceuticals, big health, marine industry, and new energy; "3" is the three future industrial clusters of cells and genes, synthetic biology, and deep sea; "N" is the characteristic industrial cluster of aerospace technology, modern fashion, semiconductors and integrated circuits, and high-end medical devices), Accelerate the construction of the two key areas of Baguang and Longqi Bay, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with Dapeng characteristics, promote the increasingly prominent agglomeration effect of strategic emerging industries such as biopharmaceuticals, cells and genes, food and health, and marine technology, and continuously cultivate new drivers of high-quality development.

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